Table of Contents
General stuff
- eEval Compute value of expression.
- eParse Parses expression and returns a pointer to an expression tree
- eTreeCombine Combine two trees with a specified operator.
- eTreeDestroy Destroy expression tree.
- eAddVar Create a new variable.
- eAddVarSort Create a new variable, variables are sorted asciibetically.
- eDestroyVar Remove variable structure from memory.
- eGetNumVars Get total number of variables.
- eGetVar Get value of a variable.
- eGetVarId Get ID of a variable of a given name.
- eGetVarName Get name of a variable by its ID.
- eGetVarPtr Get pointer to a variable.
- eInitVar Initialize structure contaning variables.
- eIsVarName Check if variable of a given name exists.
- eSetVar Set value of a variable.
libsexpr - a simple library for parsing arithmetic expressions
© 2003 by Marcin Simonides